Sarah Hedberg, KEØYXG, Receives Scholarship

Sarah KEØYXG, has learned that she is one of this year’s recipients of ARRL Foundation Scholarship Award and she along with 134 additional winners are featured in the upcoming September issue of QST magazine. Sarah was a 2024 Honor graduate of Lansing High School.  She is enrolled at Illinois University Campaign-Urbana this fall where she plans to major in chemical engineering. We are proud of her accomplishments and honored to have her as a member of our radio club.   The August 15, 2024 article sent to The Leavenworth Times by Jeff Latz KAØARW appears below.

Jeff Latz
Special to the Times

Sarah Hedberg KEØYXG

Sarah Hedberg, a 2024 honor graduate of Lansing High School, was recently awarded a $10,000 scholarship from the American Radio Relay League (ARRL), said Steve Rice,WØSER, president of the Leavenworth Pilot Knob Amateur Radio Club (
The ARRL represents and supports licensed amateur radio operators nationally. 
Hedberg is an FCC-licensed technician amateur radio operator. She has been active in ham radio for five years. She participated in a field day event in June and other radio events and various club activities, said Rice.
Her first radio contact, she said, was with her grandfather, Larry Hedberg, KD6EUG. Her call sign is KEØYXG.
“I was very optimistic about her chances of earning the scholarship after learning of all her accomplishments during her high school years,” said Rice. “I was proud to recommend her as a member of our club to the American Radio Relay League. We are excited to have learned she was awarded the scholarship. We look forward to watching her career development. Amateur radio is part of her family tradition, and our club is honored to be a part of her growth.”
Ham radio is a family endeavor for Hedberg. Her parents, Scott and Christa, and younger sister, Emily, are also licensed ham radio operators.
Sarah Hedberg is attending the University of Illinois to study chemical engineering.

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