My First License
Amateur Radio is a great life-add. Whether you’re interested in having back-up communications, want to chat with folks here or across the globe, want to experiment with digital communications, or just want to see how far you can talk to people without relying on the phone system, you’ve come to the right place. Let us know you’re interested and we will do our best to help you along your journey toward your “Ham ticket”.
Technician. The Technician Class license is the introductory license and, as it is with all licenses now, does not require code to pass. To get the latest information, please see the ARRLĀ® Learning Center. If you are using the ARRL License Manual as your textbook, look for the Amateur Radio License Course Technician Class for free videos to walk you through the manual. If you run into any problems or need additional help, please contact us.
Study Materials. There are a wide variety of study methods are available online. Some classes are occasionally available locally and we’ll try to announce hose on this site. There are also great study guides. Interestingly, the study guides not only have the complete set of questions you will encounter for the test, it will also have all the answers!
Online Practice Tests (free)
Practice Tests. When you think you’ve got the gist of the materials, test yourself online until you’re comfortably beyond the 70% you’ll need to pass your first test. When you’re ready to pass your test and get your license, see Testing.
Licensing. Before arriving at the test, we recommend that you establish your FCC COmmission REgistration System (CORES) account and obtain an FCC Registration Number (FRN). Bring that FRN to the test session so you can put it on your application. That will speed up the process of getting your first call sign.