Category Archives: Archive News

Older news that we want to keep on file for research.

Congrats Mike-KFØOWV

Our newest Leavenworth-based Radio Amateur to pass the Technician exam is Mike Price. His first license was awarded on February 2, 2024 with call sign KFØOWV. Mike saw our new web site and reached out to find a place to … Continue reading

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What’s On Your Bench?

The 15 who gathered at the February 1, 2024 club meeting were treated to several good demos and great information. We had two interested non-Hams and one brand new Technician waiting for his callsign. We also had a visitor from … Continue reading

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New Ham – First Web Site Success

Shortly after the new club web site launched in January 2024, we received inquiries about becoming a Radio Amateur via the Contact Us feature. This morning, Mike Price became a Technician after taking his test at the weekly club breakfast … Continue reading

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2024 Theme: Year of Innovation

Radio Amateurs gathered at the January 4th meeting of the Pilot Knob Amateur Radio Club to look at events, projects, and challenges for 2024. Several attendees offered lists of projects that advance the amazing achievements of 2023. The common theme … Continue reading

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