Author Archives: Editorial Staff

Welcome to Amateur Radio’s Open House

Want to see what Amateur Radio is all about?  See us in action on Saturday afternoon, June 22, 2024 at Leavenworth’s VA City Park (across from Waggin’ Tails Dog Park). The event, called Field Day 2024, starts at 1 pm Saturday … Continue reading

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One & One: New Tech, Upgrade to General

Prior to the June 2024 PKARC monthly meeting, local Leavenworth citizen Sean Fryman passed his Technician class test and Thad Brzustowicz KFØPXE upgraded to General. VEC Steve Rice WØSER was very pleased with the 100% pass rate. The applicants were … Continue reading

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Congrats Loren Knight – KFØQAL

Just before the April 18th club build session, Loren took the plunge, or in this case the Technician test, and is now KFØQAL. Loren has been accompanying Phil KFØDQA to club meetings and weekly breakfasts and has already become part … Continue reading

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Congrats Thad Brzustowicz KFØPXE

Thad has rediscovered the joy of Amateur Radio after a long hiatus from the hobby. At an impromptu test session at the Presbyterian church in Leavenworth on April 11th, Thad re-established himself as a Technician with call sign KFØPXE. We’re … Continue reading

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Cross-Band Repeater Test

CBR Test. On the beautiful spring evening of April 14, 2024, Ed Menard KD7QOR and Rick Reichert NJØP deployed to VA City Park and set up for a KS-LV-ARES Cross-Band Repeater Test. The test was in preparation for the October … Continue reading

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Welcome Emergency Preparedness Fair Attendees

If you’ve been to the March 23rd Annual Emergency Preparedness Fair and want to give back to your community through emergency preparedness, you’ve come to the right place. An Amateur Radio license is definitely your first order of business. Whether … Continue reading

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Mike KFØOWV Upgrades!

At a Presidents’ Day special breakfast on February 19, 2024, Mike Price, KFØOWV. upgraded to General Class. He was one of eight gathered for a breakfast which was originally just a testing session and quickly turned into a Thursday-on-Monday PKARC … Continue reading

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Congrats Mike-KFØOWV

Our newest Leavenworth-based Radio Amateur to pass the Technician exam is Mike Price. His first license was awarded on February 2, 2024 with call sign KFØOWV. Mike saw our new web site and reached out to find a place to … Continue reading

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What’s On Your Bench?

The 15 who gathered at the February 1, 2024 club meeting were treated to several good demos and great information. We had two interested non-Hams and one brand new Technician waiting for his callsign. We also had a visitor from … Continue reading

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New Ham – First Web Site Success

Shortly after the new club web site launched in January 2024, we received inquiries about becoming a Radio Amateur via the Contact Us feature. This morning, Mike Price became a Technician after taking his test at the weekly club breakfast … Continue reading

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