During the December 2nd KCHEART monthly test, one of our JARA members energized the star atop Saint John Hospital and later took this picture. From K7, the star looks tiny but it still remains bright in year-2 of the current LED strand that’s up there. The star has been a Saint John Hospital tradition for many years.
This season, we’re very grateful for all the Amateur Radio adventures our club and its many subsidiaries had this year. We accomplished much and had a fun time doing it.
Ours is a fabulous hobby. What other pastime allows us to travel the world, exchange greetings with people of all walks of life, and never have to leave the den? We continue to provide a valuable service to our neighbors through our Special Service Club.
You can be very proud to be a member of the Pilot Knob Amateur Radio Club. We’re looking forward to seeing everyone at our annual PKARC Christmas Party and expressing our appreciation to our shining stars.