2024 Theme: Year of Innovation

Radio Amateurs gathered at the January 4th meeting of the Pilot Knob Amateur Radio Club to look at events, projects, and challenges for 2024. Several attendees offered lists of projects that advance the amazing achievements of 2023. The common theme was that there is much innovation ahead in the areas of microwave “mesh” networking, repeater usability enhancements, moving to software-driven radios at our emergency operations center, and advanced training for ARESĀ® members. At the same time, we want to attract newer members to our great hobby and ensure they can easily “ramp up” and find the niches of Amateur Radio that excites and compels them.

Next meeting is February 1, 2024 at 7 pm in fellowship hall of Pilgrim Community Church, 5th & Arch Sts., Leavenworth, KS.

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