PKARC Weekly Voice Net

Join us on the 147.000 MHz (+) 151.4 Hz FM repeater in Leavenworth each Wednesday evening at 1930 hours for the Pilot Knob Amateur Radio Club net.  Check in to say "hi", get the latest updates from the club president, … Continue reading

PKARC Weekly Breakfast Gathering

The Depot 1887 781 Shawnee Streeet, Leavenworth, Kansas

Informal get-together where Hams meet eggs.  Join us for great Amateur Radio talk and story swapping over biscuits and gravy. If you plan to attend breakfast, please let us know on our PKARC Wednesday evening net or let Gary- WØMNA … Continue reading

PKARC Building and Learning Session

This will be a learning session: We will be demonstrate how to monitor, navigate, open and close and make entries in Net Control Manager for a club net. Winlink 101, learn how to use Telnet, make a Winlink Check-in and … Continue reading

Freeze Your Keys

PKARC's winter field day at the Weston Bend State Park

KC Metro Simulated Emergency Test (SET)

Saint John Hospital 3500 S 4th Street, Leavenworth, KS, United States

Attention All Radio Amateurs This is the big one!  “If this had been an actual emergency…”. It’s exactly what we are training for … the big one.  Although this is an ARES event, all Radio Amateurs are encouraged to participate. … Continue reading

Leavenworth County “Goblin Patrol”

Leavenworth Justice Center 601 S Third St., Leaveworth, Kansas

All County Volunteers are invited to support our Deputies and Law Enforcement Officers. Help make Halloween a safer experience for everyone. Here are a few important details about the event, along with some information we need from you: Event Details: … Continue reading

PKARC Christmas Party

Our annual Club Christmas Party will be held on December 6th at the Pilgrim Community Church, if you haven't already RSVP'd please do so. This will be a potluck dinner, the club will be furnishing the main entrees, there will … Continue reading

Buffalo Chip Net

Our annual tradition! At the stroke of midnight, in the very first minute of the new year, we meet on the air for the first net of the year.  Join us for the Buffalo Chip Net on 145.33 (-) 151.4 … Continue reading