KC Metro Simulated Emergency Test (SET)
October 4 @ 7:00 am - 12:00 pm

Attention All Radio Amateurs
This is the big one! “If this had been an actual emergency…”. It’s exactly what we are training for … the big one. Although this is an ARES event, all Radio Amateurs are encouraged to participate.
Radio groups throughout the Kansas City region are participating. The Leavenworth group (KS-LV-ARES) will be conducting the first in a series of annual exercises that build our ability to establish a full suite of Amateur Radio communications on behalf of our supported agencies from locations that are currently considered “problematic”.
For 2024, we’ll be setting up an early warning observation and reporting station. As news reports greater incidences of prairie fires, we need to be prepared to assist Emergency Management with observation/reporting from very rural county boundaries. Terrain has been a big impediment to mobile and hand-held communications from the western county border back to the EOC. We hope to develop innovative solutions using the skills and equipment we already own.
Tune into Sunday evening ARES Information & Training Nets for updates, news about tests and drills, and to sign up for the SET.
Stay tuned. Stay ready. Stay safe.